
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Super Saturday Schedule

Saturday was a great day with just a little rain.  
Please sense significant sarcasm when it comes to the rainfall mentioned in this post.

6:04 - Woke-up.  Looked at clock and remind myself that was Saturday so I'd better sleep in!

8:30 - Woke-up again and this time got up. It was raining.

9:00 - Headed out the door and to the pharmacy.  It sprinkled.
For $3 and help from only men (there were about 6) behind a counter in a teeny tiny pharmacy, I purchased 36 Ibuprofen tablets and a pack of feminine hygiene products.  The clerk/pharmacist/English speaker gave the helpful suggestion of which products I should choose as one pack had a buy 15, get 15 free promotion.  Why not go the economical route?  Then I walked around hood a bit more.

9:40 - Lounging, movie watching and getting ready for day.  It rained.

11:00 - Pick-up by Oahn and Angelo for a day of shopping.  Our next stop was to grab Nancy and Zach to join us.  Rain became stronger.  Started to pour. 

12:00 - Oahn served as our shopping guide for the day. First, we arrived to the Oberoi Shopping Mall and visited Jasmine's store where I purchased...
a bed cover for my guest bed,

a beautiful pillow for my bed or a guest and

a rug for my bedroom.
Our freebie gift towels.  Too bad I don't have godparents...
N and Z's new bed linens
Still pouring. 

1:25 - Then we went to Mahesh for lunch.  Still raining.
Amazing seafood!  I loved every bite.  We had calamari, tuna tikka and some yummy shrimp that we ate with garlic and plain naan.  Yum, yum, yum!

3:00 After we walked through the rain to the Bombay Store where I purchased...
some Bombay inspired mugs and coasters,
curtains for my bedroom and a poster.  Poured again.

3:40 - Our last stop was Chimanlals, for stationary that I heart.  I purchased a few notes...
and it was still raining.
4:00  - We headed back over the Sea Link to Bandra.  I arrived home with all of my goodies around 5 p.m. after Zach and Nancy ran out of the car to pass on a few things I'd forgotten.

6:00 -  I talked to my 'rents.  So good to catch up. And you'll be surprised to hear that it was still raining.

7:00 - The lovely Angeli arrived to my apartment for a massage.  Ahhhhh...and it started to pour when she was leaving.

8:00  - I finished watching the movie I'd started earlier in the day and caught up on a few emails. Rain continued.

9:00 - I did the phone rounds and got to spend time catching up with amazing people like Andrea and Sam and the Goo for a few.  Still rained throughout my calls. 

12:00 - Now it's Sunday and that means time for bed.  Not sure if it's raining or not but really don't care since I'm going to be sleeping.  I read a friend's Facebook status that said it's supposed to rain straight for the next three days and in Mumbai we'll receive 10+ inches or rain.  That'll just give me time to enjoy some of my new treasures more inside my apartment.

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