
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Say Cheese!

And this is why I LOVE my parents.
Bernie and Maureen sent me a video from their tour of the Tillamook Cheese Factory in Oregon.  They're on a 2-week road trip along the Pacific Coast.  In case you're wondering, apparently over 1 million people visit the factory a year.

The video caused me to ask a few questions.

I wonder how many kinds of cheese they sampled.

I wonder if realize how lucky they are to be in a place where so many kinds of cheese is widely and cheaply available.

I wonder if those are boxes of cheese on the conveyor belt OR if they are giant blocks of cheese.

I wonder if while they were wearing their matching jackets if they bought me any cheese.

I wonder if you enjoyed their cheezy video was much as I did.


  1. 1. I love that you are using your "I wonder" statements.
    2. I couldn't love your parents any more than I possible do at this moment.
    3. CHEESE makes you happy so they knew this would make you smile.

  2. megan- are your parents from wisconsin b/c they sure are CHEESY!!!!
    you are so fortunate! xxx

  3. Jen - Totally love all three of your statements and yes, I'm using comprehension vocab. I'm a nerd still.

    Ty - If they were wearing cheeseheads then it would have been perfect. But alas, they are Illinoisans and can only appreciate Wisconsin's cheese, beer and lakefront vacation properties. Just ask a Cheesehead what our nicknames are (Illinoisans).
