
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mashed Potato Memories

Disclaimer.  Many American bloggers and Facebook posts today will be dedicated to giving thanks.  In fact for weeks it's been this way.  And yes, I'm finally part of the mass.  Here's my token Turkey Day post. Hope I've given it a little different mash.  Maybe.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Today I leave  for a long weekend in Bangkok, Thailand.  And while temps in the 90s and sitting poolside with a drink in hand is exactly what I need right now, I am a bit nostalgic for Thanksgivings past.    There's no Thanksgiving ghost or Great Turkey on a Thanksgiving Peanuts episode but I remembering the wonderful people and the delicious food we enjoyed together.

Turkey Day 2010 - Andrea and I went to Buenos Aires for 5 days.  4 of them we were sick with fevers and and sweats and headaches which kept us apartment bound.  Eventually our sickness souvenirs turned into bronchitis and respiratory infections.  Fun.  No mashed potatoes but we did have Starbucks, gelato and cough syrup.

Turkey Day 2009 - Sam and I went to Rio.  Stayed in the honeymoon hostel "suite."  Sprained my ankle on a favela tour while going down some stairs.  The day after, I hobbled to the beach on a cloudy morning and was hit on by a hot, sunga-clad Iranian who I thought was trying to steal my bag.  Silly American girl being overly cautious.  No mashed potatoes but we did have Starbucks, caipirinhas and duck.

Sidenote:  Illness and injuries seem to be an overseas theme.  May need to wear protective gear and a mask in Thailand.

Turkey Day 2008 - My mom, dad, the Goo and I went to our cousins', Debbie and Jay's, in Bloomington, IL.  The Goo and I were asked to bring a dish to pass since we'd officially become grown-ups.  We brought mashed potatoes that somehow we managed to spray all over the wall when the mixer was set a little too high.  We didn't serve the potatoes that actually hit the wall at dinner (most stayed in the pot) but we did get to spend time with greats and cousins and second cousins and third cousins.  This Turkey Day tradition, well the family part, was how I've spent most of my adult Thanksgivings.  Obviously, we had mashed potatoes.

Turkey Days (and the surrounding vacation days)of old include:

  • Wednesday nights at Eduardo's for annual DHS reunions, 
  • Marshall Fields on Black Friday to have breakfast at the Walnut room, find special X-mas ornaments and check out Fields' X-mas windows, 
  • Oyster dressing,
  • Playing pinball,
  • Listening to family and personal histories in Lincoln, IL,
  • Sleeping over at Gram's and
  • Wearing Mom designed paper and string pilgrim hats that made me feel so cool with my plain blue dress, knee socks and Buster Browns.
Thanks to family and friends far and near.  Whether we talk every week or once a year, especially lately, I've been appreciating all of you.  Thanks for making a mash of memories with and for me.

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